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Trees.R.Good Tickets

MulJ-instrumentalist and producer Trees.R.Good (they/them) announces their debut single ‘Origins /roots/’ from their self-Jtled concept album - a sonic exploraJon of trees.

Through bass-driven electronica with overarching influences of Jazz, field recordings and mulJ-lingual spoken word, Trees.R.Good asserts the innate and unbreakable connecJon between human life and natural enJJes, from /roots/ to /canopy/ and beyond.

Backed by their 7-piece live band, science & music merge to draw us closer to our environment at a Jme of ecological crisis, with the ulJmate message: Trees Are Good.

Special guests will feature fellow players from the Nubya Garcia Residency for Brighter Sound, part of an ever-evolving community of creaJves challenging the genre-based status- quo of UK’s musical landscape.

Join them for a night of wonderment, contemplaJon, and rekindling to Nature and Community.

Trees.R.Good Dates & Tickets

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