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The Cabinet Minister Tickets

Arthur Wing Pinero’s breathless farce THE CABINET MINISTER is given a new life in a brand-new adaptation by Nancy Carroll directed by Paul Foster. Sir Julian Twombley is in trouble: his wife and son have run up massive debts and his political reputation is in the balance. The House of Commons is far from a safe space for him and the newspapers are sniffing blood. Can he save face and hang on to his sanity? Joining Nancy Carroll are George Blagden, Joe Edgar, Phoebe Fildes, Rosalind Ford, Dom Hodson, Dillie Keane, Nicholas Rowe, Laurence Ubong Williams, Romaya Weaver, and Matthew Woodyatt. This crack cast tackles this sparkling story of marriage, blackmail and class where all bets are off!

The Cabinet Minister Dates & Tickets

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