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Soul Explosion Live in Concert Tickets

Soul Explosion Live in Concert brings you five R&B, Jazz and blues singers for one night of unforgettable classics at Band On The Wall Manchester Friday 22nd November.

Featuring Keni Burke, Shirley Jones, Howard Johnson, Billy Valentine, and Randy Brown.

All five will share the stage for a night of uptempo classic disco songs, some classic r&b soul with a layer of Jazz and Blues.

Soul Explosion Live in Concert brings you five R&B, Jazz and blues singers for one night of unforgettable classics at Band On The Wall Manchester Friday 22nd November.

Featuring Keni Burke, Shirley Jones, Howard Johnson, Billy Valentine, and Randy Brown.

All five will share the stage for a night of uptempo classic disco songs, some classic r&b soul with a layer of Jazz and Blues.

Soul Explosion Live in Concert Dates & Tickets



22 Nov


Manchester Band on the Wall

Soul Explosion Live ft. Keni Burke, Shirley Jones, Howard Johnson, Billy Valentine, and Randy Brown

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