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Manchester Thunder Semi Final

1st Place vs 4th Place = 16.00 FCP

All seating at the venues is reserved - please select your seat below.

The following different price types are available for this match:

Platinum Ticket - £30
Get the best seats in the house in our Platinum seating area.

Gold Ticket - Adult £25 / Junior (16 and under) £20

Upgrade your ticket to include VIP hospitality at checkout for only £29.99

  • Pre-match hospitality in the Black & Yellow Lounge
  • Free car parking
  • A welcome drink on arrival
  • Q&A with special guest speakers
  • Exclusive pre-game coaches conference with Karen, Gabs and Laura
  • Cold buffet
  • Access to our hospitality cash bar
  • Streaming of the other Semi-Final game

Adult and Junior group tickets are available by calling Ticketline on 0161 832 1111. Minimum of 10 tickets.

School group bookings are available by emailing Ticketline at groupbookings@ticketline.co.uk

Under 2s go free, and do not require a ticket provided they will be sitting on the parent's knees throughout the game.

A limited number of Wheelchair and Carer tickets are available by calling Ticketline on 0161 832 1111.

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