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Chrissy Costanza & VOILA Tickets

"7 Minutes in Hell," the debut solo release from Chrissy Costanza, who is known as the powerhouse front woman of Against The Current, is set to drop on July 17th. Through the lens of dark romance, Chrissy explores the conflict between her true self and the idealized version others expect her to be. The song captures the vulnerability of being placed on such a pedestal, plagued by the fear of falling from any deviation. A lyrical twist on the game "7 Minutes in Heaven," the song explores the line between Heaven and Hell, right and wrong, and the allure of embracing one's supposed darker side.

Chrissy collaborated with Gus Ross Luke Eisner from Voilå to create "7 Minutes in Hell." Having previously worked together on a song for Voilå's album, the chemistry was undeniable, and they perfectly captured the dark romantic style Chrissy envisioned. The song features a rich, cinematic sound with a blend of dark pop and rock production, encapsulating a compelling narrative set in a world of angels and demons. The group tapped composer friend Hosu to elevate the soundscape further. This solo endeavour marls a bold departure from her band work, showcasing a unique vision that is solely hers. With a music video and a full EP on the horizon, "7 Minutes in Hell" signals an exciting new chapter in Chrissy Costanza's career.

Chrissy Costanza & VOILA Dates & Tickets



20 Nov


Manchester Academy 3

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